Be in control of your income. Stop thoughtless spending. Take pride in being money conscious.
Check out the free book that explains everything
Using PerNetFlow is the sensible alternative to living paycheck to paycheck
You manage your income, bills, and all other personal financial tasks with a single tool. You always know exactly where your finances stand.
In the book - Chapter 8: Cashflow Spreadsheets, Chapter 9: Using a Cashflow Spreadsheet
It’s easy to consider various decisions with PerNetFlow. Can you afford to go on a vacation next summer? What’s the impact of buying a new car?
In the book - Chapter 11: Playing "What if"
With a clear picture of your cashflow for the next twelve months, you can put together a pay-off plan that is comfortable and, more importantly, is a way forward that you can stick with to completion.
The choices you have for getting debt free when using PerNetFlow include a consolidation loan or creating custom pay-off plans: one debt, debt snowball, amortize a high balance credit card.
In the book - Chapter 12: Debt
Integrate saving plans into your automatic PerNetFlow cashflow spreadsheet for retirement plus any other of your short-term and long-term saving goals.
In the book - Chapter 6: Household Finances
No connections to anything online. No passwords or account numbers are used by PerNetFlow for anything.
Read the free book to understand; really